“Any man can be a D.C. Freemason, but not every man can be one.”
Being lodges operating under the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington, D.C., Phoenix, Cadmus and Cedrus Libani members belong to a world-wide community of Masons and can "travel" to sister lodges as well as lodges which our Grand Lodge is in amity with.
To join our beloved craft one must be a man, of the right legal age, resident in Lebanon and of good character. We promote diversity in our lodges and will never refer to a man's race, creed, religion, job, social status or nationality. We are proud to have members from different religions, countries and races. If you fit the criteria, you will be required to fill out a petition form and go through a process. Joining our fraternity requires dedication. While we do have monthly stated meetings, members still dedicate a lot of time in between charity work, education (lectures, seminars, etc.), visits to the less fortunate and social activities. Serving our community is a top priority and our committees are organized to address their needs first. Moreover, those wishing to join should ask a member. Freemasons do not solicit members. You must approach a Freemason or a lodge on your own accord in order to be considered. This is why we say, 2B1ASK1 (To Be One, Ask One). Currently, there are three lodges you can consider. Click on one of the below to join: |